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Dark Deviations

Plot scenes and episodes with elements of cruelty and violence in the narrative. This is only available by subscription and after agreement with the disclaimer.

Stuffed nude hairy daddies in police uniforms - 1

The Dark Pantheon Of Male Pride

  • 3 min read

The plot of this episode draws its inspiration from mystical. Shaman of the dark order. He has draws vitality by harvesting the souls and meat of courageous men, large and powerful physique. His victims undergoes a ritual and transformation into a stuffed exhibit in this macabre museum of male pride.

A Compliment From The Chef - hairy bear gay 1

A Compliment From The Chef

  • 1 min read

Below is a sneak peek of this content! A Compliment From The Chef 2021-2022-ENDownload In anticipation of the Halloween, we decided to prepare several artworks with chubby bear for this event, in the style you are familiar with. This is one of them, and there… A Compliment From The Chef

Happy Halloween in Big Oven - hairy bear gay 2

Happy Halloween in Big Oven

  • 3 min read

Below is a sneak peek of this content! In anticipation of the Halloween celebration, we decided to prepare several artworks for this event, in the style you are familiar like a chubby porky guy. This is the first of them, and there will be more.… Happy Halloween in Big Oven

Police Commissioner Borowski - hairy bear gay 6

Police Commissioner Borowski

  • 5 min read

Below is a sneak peek of this content! Based on the story “The men behind the monitors” (fragment) by Victor Ken The world has turned into chaos in the near future, due to the limited food and resources and other environmental strain on a global… Police Commissioner Borowski