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The Future of BedtimeStories18.Art: New Platforms, New Opportunities!

  • Blog
  • 4 min read

Guys, we’ve got some important news about the future of BedtimeStories18.Art!

Alright, it’s time to talk strategy and what’s next for all of us. As some of you might know, things with Patreon have been getting a bit tricky lately. We’ve been having issues with withdrawing funds for about two years now. Thankfully, I’ve got a good friend who’s been helping out, converting funds to cryptocurrency whenever I need it. But, to be honest, even he’s sometimes hitting walls, and this whole process is just getting too complicated.

That’s why we’ve been thinking about our future and exploring new options!

Don’t worry, we’re not going to just drop Patreon overnight. We’re planning a gradual shift, so it’s smooth sailing for everyone involved. But, yeah, Patreon has become pretty inconvenient for us. Why? Let’s break it down:

  1. Withdrawing funds feels like a “hero-level” quest. Without a trusted friend helping, it’s pretty much impossible.
  2. Pirates are out there, and there’s zero protection. Our content keeps getting stolen, and Patreon isn’t doing much about it.
  3. Censorship is a real buzzkill. We’ve already had a few cases where we were forced to remove posts under threat of being blocked. Not cool.
  4. No built-in promotion or growth tools on the platform. We’re left to fend for ourselves.
  5. An 8% commission fee! And considering all the points above, it really stings.
  6. Content compression ruins quality. You want to post a beautiful image, but it ends up looking blurry.

But hey, don’t stress! We’re ready to move forward and grow! We’re already working on building a stronger presence on some other, more creator-friendly platforms:

  • DeviantArt (old but gold!)
  • SubscribeStar Adult (keeping it a bit adult, right?)
  • X (formerly Twitter) (we’re active there too, so follow us!)

These platforms offer more freedom, fewer restrictions, and we’ve already started posting on them. So, if you’re interested in continuing to support our work, I encourage you to start joining us on these platforms.

Our action plan:

  • Starting in September — we’re halting the invitation of new subscribers on Patreon and stopping promotions. All current subscribers, including those who have prepaid for a year, will continue to receive full content, so no need to panic. But new subscribers won’t be able to join since we’ll be closing the tier selection options.
  • From October — content on Patreon will be published with a slight delay of 1 week compared to the other platforms.
  • From November — there will be exclusive materials that won’t be available on Patreon (don’t worry, comics will still be on all platforms so you won’t miss any storylines). However, there will be ads, links, and notices on Patreon to keep everyone informed. Nothing will go unnoticed!

Important note! For those of you who have subscribed for a year on Patreon, please reach out to me, and I’ll provide you with an invitation link for the same period on any new platform without additional charges. This way, your interests will be respected and maintained.

And, of course, if and when we fully freeze our activity on Patreon, there will be a pinned post in the header, and you’ll be the first to know. We’re doing all of this to keep things transparent and to keep you in the loop. Nothing will be hidden, and everything will be right in front of you. We’re not sure how things will unfold, but these are our plans for the future.

What stays the same?

Your payments will remain as convenient as they are on Patreon. And there might even be some new discounts! So, if you’re quick to jump on board, you’ll be in for a treat! All you need to do is sign up on one of our new platforms and subscribe.

By the way, our Discord will still be around! It’ll be managed by a DeviantArt bot, but the Patreon link will be disconnected. Honestly, Discord feels a bit heavy and clunky, especially when compared to Telegram. So we’ll keep it as a bonus to DeviantArt, not a main hangout spot.

What’s getting better?

We’ll be able to share art and pages again without all the censorship workarounds! No more blurring, QR codes, or other tricks. Just pure, high-quality content — the way we all love it!

I hope you see these changes as positive! If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat about it, hit me up — I’m always here. And don’t forget, we’ll soon be posting mini-reviews of the new platforms to give you more clarity!

We’re also planning to run a poll to learn your preferences about the new platforms. Your input matters, so please be active!

Thanks for your support and love for BedtimeStories18.Art! Let’s keep moving forward together! 🚀

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