About Us
Well, let me introduce myself, JimHookins and Micah [ap6y3chub] – “watermelon chub” (eng). We are a couple of chub bears who are creative in genre known as – “bara” or bear gay erotic art.
We started our creative activity in 2018 as a creative studio, BedtimeStories18+. And we were not confident in several pilot gay comic. One of which was pure improvisation with no pre-written plot. But it allowed us to get the necessary experience and practice of creating comic.
Our complite comics projects about hairy chubby bear
In 2020, despite all the world’s difficulties, we began to create a large project – the comic book the adventures of a big chubby bear, with an intriguing thriller plot, saturated with many nude scenes, and injection of mystery about where everything is going. The story is called “Prescription BBQ from Mr. Laam vol. one” in full-color format. First page of this comic we were published in summer of June 1 on Patreon.com. Since then, the following pages have been every Saturday and on schedule at 5:00 PM (EST).
We are happy and proud that we were able to complete this volume of the comic, which turned out to be very successful and embodied great ideas. To our pride, can say that during this time, we have never missed the publication deadline and did not disappoint our subscribers on Patreon.
The closing page of the first volume came out on November 24, 2020, and then we published full version of the comic in compiled PDF format. Our patrons received the comic strip in two language versions, English and Russian. But for our most loyal patrons who are with us from the very beginning, we made a gift – a personalized version of the comic with gratitude and an autograph of authors.
In addition, we had even earlier comic book projects that we successfully completed. You can find them here on the website or on any online platform where we are represented.

Current Art-projects
We are now expanding our presence on various platforms to increase target audience’s reach to make our art content accessible.
We need your support and recognition. That will allow to create interesting thematic gay bear art and comic further, in an even more advanced quality.
A second volume will start in March 2021. And now we are working hard on the sketches and critical points of the script. The second volume promises to be even hotter and charged with passion from very beginning.
So what do we have for you? In comic and art, we flirt with: dominance, feeding, VORE variations, gaycann, submission, peeping, unconscious voyeurism, gay-sex, male milking, etc. All this is only with muscle chubs and big hairy bears gay.

Our Ideology
Whether you like it or not, civilization has followed the path when large IT corporations decide what is acceptable today and what is not. And all of us are consumed by relentless censorship. Freedom of thought and expression is prohibited, even when it comes to art. The prospect of the future is very bleak, and we don’t like it.
We all came to social media and YouTube, thereby giving them a monopoly of content management. They now say what you are allowed or not, without even asking what you want.
I don’t know what you think, but I’m pretty sick of it.
This site is a kind of return to origins, our island in ocean of information where we decide what is possible and what is not. Of course, within the framework of law and morality, but not to detriment of common sense.
We think that creativity, like literature, art, or animation, should not be limited. A simple assignment of a rating and a warning about the internal content is enough so that the user himself can decide whether he wants to see more or not. Thus, giving him a free choice.
We work with plots that are sometimes far from vanilla stories and pink cotton candy. Often in our stories, the tale is ruthless, plot can even be fatal for main character, with all details, and without smoothing corners when cornering. This brutal straightforwardness is present and may surprise you.
But let’s cool down a bit and think. After all, the ability to fantasize and not mix it with reality as well as setting boundaries is what makes us human. We humans come up with rides that take your breath away to get a stream of impressions. We read literature with scary stories, watch movies, draw – these are our toys. Then why not? Let’s have fun without prejudice!